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About Us

MB & Opal Team

At Materialboard, we are dedicated to revolutionizing the architectural landscape through our comprehensive BIM library, meticulously curated to encompass an extensive range of architectural materials.

Our mission is to empower exclusive architects with an invaluable resource, providing them not only with an unparalleled library, but also ensuring that every object is equipped with BIM and other crucial 3D format files. We believe in the transformative potential of digitalization, envisioning a world where sustainability, functionality, and aesthetics seamlessly converge.

Guided by this vision, we strive to simplify the process of building better, fostering a sustainable future for the construction industry. Welcome to Materialboard, where innovation meets integrity in the pursuit of architectural excellence.

Our Great Team

It’s no doubt that when a development takes longer to complete, additional costs to
integrate and test each extra feature creeps up and haunts most of us.
Paul Miles
Development Lead
Melisa Marcus
Creative Director
David Nilson
Python Expert
Anne Clarc
Project Manager
Ricky Hunt
Art Director
Alice Wayde
Marketing Manager
Carles Puyol
QA Managers